On guard

             Be on guard
             so that your hearts are not weighed down
             with dissipation and drunkenness
             and the worries of this life.
   —Luke 21.34

Jesus isn’t telling us to detach ourselves from the world,
or to stop caring, but to refuse the world’s anxiety.
Trying to make ourselves happy, we fear losing happiness.
We worry; we drug ourselves with whatever dulls us.

Let your heart be lifted up instead, carried,
not by the promise of comfort but the presence of grace.
The Beloved transforms even moments of suffering
into a communion of closeness.

Guard against cynicism. Be wary of guarding your heart:
open it wide, and even as the pain of the world seeps in,
the love of the One Who Is With US floods you,
and your heart is not weighed down, but floats on a sea of grace.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light www.unfoldinglight.net
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