Through their midst

             They drove him out of the town,
             and led him to the brow of the hill,
             so that they might hurl him off the cliff.
             But he passed through the midst of them
             and went on his way.
—Luke 4.29-30

He didn’t argue with them,
didn’t fight or outsmart them,
made no clever ninja moves.

In the arms of the breeze
at the cliff edge,
light falling like rain,

before they did something stupid
he gave himself to them fully,
forgiving them already,

which raised a question
that doused their shouting,
that spoke a silence

that cut through their first-stone piety,
that passed through to their midst,
their center,

and finally
they were not
so sure of themselves,

which was not so much
his salvation
as theirs.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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