Little boat

            Jesus got into one of the boats,
            the one belonging to Simon,
            and asked him to put out a little way from the shore.
            Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
—Luke 5.3

A little boat, not grand,
grimy with fish scales,
the patina of sweat and gunk.

Simon didn’t see it coming,
the sudden request to commandeer
his ordinary little boat,

from which the rabbi spoke words
that healed hearts,
that ignited miracles,

Simon noodling the oars
to keep the boat steady,
staring at Jesus’ back.

Was he already feeling out of place,
his boat a divine oracle,
like he shouldn’t be in it?

What was it like, to be inspired,
or convicted, or merely outclassed
in front of all those people?

It would take him longer
than that afternoon’s miracle
to truly get on board.

You never know how the Beloved
may climb into your plain, messed-up life
to birth blessing for strangers,

or how long it might take you
to come to accept
that it ought to be so.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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