Thomas (who was called the Twin) said,
“Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands,
and put my finger in the mark of the nails
and my hand in his side,
I will not believe.”
—John 20.24-25
Seeker, twin of Tomas, keep searching.
Keep looking to see; keep stretching out your hand.
Your questioning is not refusal; it is loyalty,
faithfulness to the Presence, not the rumor.
Don’t let some preacher tell you what to think.
Seek the living Christ who moves your hand, who trembles it.
Don’t fall for the happily ever after Jesus,
the It was nothing, I’m fine Jesus:
seek the true suffering Christ, whose wounds you can feel,
whose marks sting you, whose forgiveness saves.
The Beloved isn’t testing you, but will reach out a hand
and give you what you need for your next step.
Don’t require yourself to believe any but your heart.
The next step isn’t likely a leap of faith
but to stumble upon love and fall to your knees
crying ,”My Beloved, my Sovereign, my Life-Giver, my God!”
—April 4, 2018