
Long ago,
maybe you were a child
without a clue what was going on,
a church gathered around you
and baptized you into something
vast, invisible, powerful and alive.

It is still there.
In your struggles, in your aloneness,
oh, especially when you are alone—
you still can’t comprehend
the vastness gathered around you,
the faithful around the world,
those living here and living beyond,
woven with you, members of one body,
breathing with one Spirit,
holding you.

Multitudes are with you.
What touches you touches them
and they touch you.
By their blessing grace will haunt you,
mercy will stick to you,
goodness will shadow you
all the days of your life.
Even when you are most alone
angels swarm you,
saints gang up on you
with blessing and courage,
with a fierce love
that knocks back death itself.
This is the life in which you are
inextricably entangled.
Have courage. Go in peace.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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