Fox and hen

           “Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you….”
           Go and tell that fox for me, ‘’I will finish my work….
           How I have desired to gather your children as a hen…”
                                 from Luke 13.31-34

What guts!— to choose to be the hen of God
in the kingdom of the fox—

unmoved by the threats of the predator,
choosing to be gentle and unprotected;

surrendering self as center, to claim the masses as family;
risking death, to give life; to offer shelter.

I am not a citizen of the Empire of Anxiety,
nor fearful of the Fox.

I belong to the Mother Hen of God.
I live in the land of resurrection.

          Beloved, I choose to follow. Be my love,
          my power and my shield, my hope and my courage.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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