O God, you built your house with skilled hands.
You fashioned it with strong beams,
a roof and a bed and a table for all,
and a name at every place at the table.
But now your enemies have taken your dwelling;
they have seized it for themselves.
They have walled off its rooms,
and have thrown out your children,
they have planted thorns by the doorways
and posted sentries at the gates,
that none may enter but by hatred,
that none may dwell here but in fear.
Your beloved, cast out, go homeless,
your children walled out from your love.
You who dwell in your people
have no home now, but wander the streets.
Woe to those who have shut the temple door;
their house now a prison.
Woe to those who have done evil dressed in priestly robes,
their house is forever empty of love.
Loving One, receive our sorrow,
and fashion it into wisdom.
Mighty One, hold our rage,
and grow it into courage.
Creating One, take our despair
and turn it to hope.
O Homeless One, gather the refugees
fleeing the house of hatred.
Shelter the condemned,
and bless them with your glory.
Open our eyes to see, God,
that from the rubble of injustice
you are building a beautiful house
with strong beams,
a roof and a bed and a table for all,
and a name at every place at the table.
For your love will prevail,
now and forever.
—February 27, 2019