“I do”

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
My son stood up and said “I do,”
his lovely friend, too, said “I do,”
and now I do as well.
His love and hers enlarge my own.
I now have someone new to love,
to claim, adore and stand beside,
to be there for no matter what.
With love he brought her in
as I alone could not have done,
and changed our family
making it more deep and spacious,
wide and rich and lovely.

Without our work or will, but as pure gift,
my wife and I now have more kids,
and so, more love, and so more world,
more hope, more life, more joy.

Maybe this is what the Teacher meant,
whom we call brother, bringing in
those others— sisters now, and brothers,
though we had never chosen them—
now all one family in this world,
devoted with no lesser loyalty
to strangers than to one’s only child.
The more of them we have to love
because we’re family,
the more this life resembles heaven.

Like God, we stand beside the world
in love and say “I do.”

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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