Deep silence

         Now there was a great wind…                   but the Lord was not in the wind;          and after the wind an earthquake,                   but the Lord was not in the earthquake;          and after the earthquake a fire,                   but the Lord was not in the fire;          and after the fire a sound of deep silence.                            —1 Kings 19.11-12

Beneath the earthquake, wind and fire          that are always here I listen for your silence          that is always here, your deep, luscious silence          speaking to me, singing.

I listen to your deep silence          breathing in me. I listen for the sound of it,          its great sea moving,          its stars whirling. I listen into the deep          that welcomes me.

Beneath the noise and rush and flame          your silence unfolds in me, the great rose of you           opening to my own silence and I become your silence          unfolding into the world.          

__________________ Steve Garnaas-Holmes Unfolding Light

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