My child, my Beloved

         See what great love we are given
                  that God would say, “You are my children.”
         …When God is revealed, we will be like God,
                  for we will see God as God truly is.

                           —1 John 3.1, 2

My child, my Beloved,
you cannot see this now
but you are like me,
and one day this will be revealed.
Trust this, and let it cleanse you of all fear.

My love, breathe me in.
Breathe me out.

For your anxiety I give you my peace,
for your weariness, my rest,
for your sin, my forgiveness,
for your sorrow, my comfort,
for your struggles, my fortitude,
for your brokenness, my healing,
for your not knowing, my patience,
for your struggles, my blessing.

My child, my Beloved,
I give you my love,
I give you my beauty,
I give you my grace,
I give you myself.

My love, I am with you always,
and within you always.
Go in peace; do not be afraid;
and overflow with my love.
Breathe me in. Breathe me out.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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