Unfolding Light is a daily reflection rooted in a contemplative, Creation-centered spirituality, often inspired by my daily walk in the woods. In poems, parables, psalms, thoughts and the odd weather report I hope to invite readers into a spirit of presence, compassion, justice and delight. Though these writings are rooted in the Christian story you’ll hear in them melodies of many traditions. Unfolding Light is for anyone who wants to be a part of God’s healing of the world. You can receive Unfolding Light by daily email—just ask.
About Steve Garnaas-Holmes
I’m a retired United Methodist pastor. My wife Beth and I live in Maine. We have three grown sons whom I love dearly. I served churches for 40 years in Montana and New England. I’ve also lived in South Dakota, California, Washington and Minnesota. I often lead retreats on prayer, poetry and renewing our language about God. I used to write and perform with the Montana Logging & Ballet Company, a quartet that did music and comedy around the country, but people laughed us off the stage so after 37 years we quit. I write a lot of church music. I am trying to be here now.