Tree of Life

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
         — Revelation 22.1-2

Beautiful Tree of Life! Thank you for your grace,
for your verdant strength, your generosity.

You grow in the middle of the street of the city:
our only way is through you.

You grow on this side, and the other side.
You straddle the nations.

As a grove of aspen: all one tree, many stems,
Mustard seed, Redwood, Baobab, apple.

In the city there is no sight of the noxious weed
of the knowledge of good and evil.

The Tree on which Jesus hung has risen from death,
has sprouted green, has borne life-giving fruit.

You sustain us. You gather us, you shelter us.
We drink from the River, we live on your fruits.

No one comes to you alone, but as family.
No one eats as enemies or foreigners, but Yours.

You are the vine and we are the branches.
We are your leaves, twelve tribes of healing.

All the world lives in your shade, nests in your branches.
All of us eat of your body. We belong to you.

Beautiful Tree, Mother of Life! Tree of justice!
Tree of Healing! We thank you for your grace. Alleluia!

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

Heaven grows around you

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

         Those who love me will keep my word,
         and my Mother-and-Father will love them,
         and we will come to them
         and make our home with them.

                  — John 14.23

Heaven is not a distant country.
It comes to you.
It grows around you.
It is your home,
your your most inward, intimate place,
your deepest belonging.

To love your neighbor
is to welcome them
into the home of your heart
where God is.

You let the love well up in you
and it returns enlarged,
and you find yourself
embraced, en-webbed,

No matter what day comes,
what despair or undeserving,
you are still among
the Beloved ones
who gladly live with you.

Even in drought the well
is surrounded by flowers
and the greenest of grass.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)


Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
The geese traveling their distances above you,
the little swirls in the brook
making their way to the ocean
holding onto each other’s tails,
the green spikes pushing up into the light,
the breath rising through you into song,
the lifting unweight in you that leans
out across the tiny sea toward another person,

they are all saying the same thing:

come with me,

come home.

Weather Report

as all things gather
from where they have been sown.
Expect occasional flurries of longing,
with scattered moments of recognition.
One hundred percent chance of arrival.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

You have come to run and dance

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

You have come to this planet
to run and dance
and to cheer,
and you have done so.
And, Beloved, you
with the wind in you
and the fire in you,
with the Beloved in you,
when the bombs
of someone else’s
anger and despair
exploded you
and for a moment
you lay in the street,
and others carried you —
(shattered open,
you finally know
it is forever, now,
for we have done
so much more than cheer,
holding our blood
in each other’s hands) — 
that was not an end
but an awakening:
the anger and despair
are not yours.
You have come
to run and dance.
The wind blows
through your broken ruins
and they get up, borne,
and they will get up,
and they will dance,
and you will go on running,
on your mangled legs,
on your stumps and devices,
running to the infinite finish,
wildly dancing,
elegantly, sorrowfully,
beautifully dancing,
every perfect one who runs by
on their wounded feet,
all of us carrying each other
across our many ribboned
finish lines,
and all of us,
even the despairing,
will finish.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

Small and green

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.


In these early spring days
before their fullness
the trees have a light in their eyes,
the packed, swelling buds,
these delicate feathers and fingers,
(and the blossoms,
the crazy blossoms!)
and then the tiniest leaves,
little baby exclamation points,
raised eyebrows
freckling the changed woods.

To attain individuality
and courage and creativity
you don’t have to do some
outlandish thing.
Just let the beauty
of the Beloved
deep within
come out.

The birds
just can’t stop talking about it.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

God will wipe away every tear

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
See, the home of God is among mortals. God will dwell with them; they will be God’s peoples. The Holy One will personally be with them, and will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.
        — Revelation 21.3-4

This is a mystery. For how can we love if we cannot suffer? Yet this seems clear: the sorrows of this world, the deep sadness that shapes so much of how we live, all our pain and regret is passing. God’s tender, comforting presence and God’s gentle healing are eternal. The sorrows we feel arise from loss, but in the Realm of the Beloved there is no loss; all things are one. Even death is not as powerful as love. What we love cannot be taken from us because we are one with them. Our deep presence in one another is eternal; everything else is passing away. The illusion of our separateness is strong, and it is this illusion that causes us grief. But in God’s love we realize our oneness, and each moment is a gift, without regret for what it might otherwise have been. There is always joy in the present moment.

We also weep for one anther. We mourn for those who suffer; we weep with them and suffer with them. And, weeping, we work for the day when their suffering is lifted, when the power of evil, injustice and oppression is finally overcome. So it is good to hold this vision before us, this promise of the day when God wipes every tear from our eyes. We ourselves will not do it. Ultimately it is the grace of God, the Love at the heart of all things, the blessedness of our oneness, that will. Meanwhile we accept the power God gives us to work for that day. We live in hope of that day— hope that is not mere wishful thinking, but confidence that that reality is already part of us, that this world’s suffering is passing away, but the tender mercy of God is present, and powerful, and infinite.

May this give you peace and strength and comfort, guide you on your way, and give you courage to live with mercy and love.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to me at unfoldinglight8(at)

Clean and unclean

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

         What God has made clean, you must not call profane.

                  —Acts 11.9

Since Cain and Abel we have struggled
to free ourselves from the serpent’s lie
that we would know good and evil,
making half of God’s Creation into
something not good, unclean, unacceptable,
and crusading though the world with this
sword, this bomb, piously wiping out
whoever we judged to be deserving of ill
and beyond our compassion. Terrorists of
God we are, carrying out our jihad against
God in the name of a purity that we only
imagine, a division that does not exist.
The real striving is against our own lie.
The real discernment we are charged with
is to see what God has made clean beneath
the delusion of our judgment and to honor
that divine gift. It is to see what gives life
and what diminishes, to see what is love
and what is less, and to purify ourselves
in love. For judgment itself is profanity.
Anything other than love is profane.
When we are able to see the holy
in every place and person, when we see
with eyes of compassion, this alone is
what breaks their chains. Destroying
the illusion of their profanity, we set them free.
We give life. We join together with God
in the mending of the world, making
all things clean, renewing Creation.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

A breath prayer

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
         Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment,
         that you love one another.
         Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
         By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
         if you have love for one another.”

                  —John 13.34-35

         A Breath Prayer

Be still. Be aware that God is with you,
loving you, embracing you,
love welling up in you like a spring,
the Beloved perfecting love in you.
Simply let this loving presence be with you.
Give your deepest intention to receiving God’s love,
breathing it in, letting it change you and give you life,
and breathing it out, letting it flow into the world
in all that you do.

Mindful of this, pray repeatedly,
breathing in, then breathing out:

         As you have loved me …
         so I love.

Let it become like a tune you can’t get out of your head.
Carry the prayer with you through the day.

         As you have loved me …
         so I love.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

Good Shepherd

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
The Good Shepherd holds his little lambs,
his tender little beloved ones in his arms,
holds the whole neighborhood:
the frightened ones huddling in their houses,
the brave ones surrounding the suspect,
the crowd down the street clamoring
for the capture of the criminal,
with plenty of names for him,
and reasons for him to suffer.
The Good Shepherd holds them all,
good and bad, and, holding them,
holds them all together, even
the frightened one lying in his blood,
bewildered by his own cruelty,
the evil for which he can never atone,
the past and all the futures he’s erased,
his reasons for others to suffer—
with everyone against him now,
alone in the world, his brutal solitude,
in the desperate boat hiding under the tarp,
the Good Shepherd, weeping,
holds his little stray lamb, and all of us,
because, my friend, all of us
are in the same tender arms.
Every one of us
is in the same

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

Earth psalm

Earth of me, womb of me, whole of my life,
vast swirling winds of my lungs,
wide heaving seas of my blood,
mountains of my heart,
and my imagination’ deserts, steppes and jungles,
greening branches of my fingers,
all you interwoven species of me,
living beings unseen in my ocean depths —
praise! Praise the hand that makes you,
gives you life and sends you forth each day.

For your deep generosity, life overflowing,
beauty astounding and close-woven love
I thank you! I praise you! I sing you! I live!

I am your spring, your sprout, your blossom,
I am your breathing, your dreaming, your hope;
of your billowing, your billions, your teeming,
I am one. We are one. We are one.

Earth of us, river and grasses and stone,
teach us your patience, your giving, your faith,
teach us to flourish, to nourish, to flow,
with your courage to send out the tendrils of love,
the rivers and currents and jet streams of blessing,
to blossom, audacious, to soak up your sun,
to give and receive life, to be one, to be one.

Earth of us, home of us, whole of us and more,
may we live with reverence, act with care,
evolve with grace, be wounded and heal,
and in all our living praise you, serve you,
and show with abundant and manifold glory
the grace of the One who makes us,
who makes us for each other, and so well,
with such tender and intricate wonder and love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

To subscribe to Unfolding Light by daily e-mail write to unfoldinglight8(at)

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