I am there

           “Where two or three are gathered in my name,
           I am there among them.”

                           —Matthew 18.20

God is love.
Wherever there is love there is God.
The Holy Trinity is relationship.
Wherever there is relationship there is God.
The one, the other, and the energy between.

Loving your neighbor and loving God are one.
Every encounter is a holy encounter.
Every conversation is prayer unacknowledged.

Every hurt is a crucifixion,
every kindness is a hymn.
Every word, even a casual greeting,
is a gift left at the altar.

The Immense One is here,
disappears into the vibrations between us
and shimmers there,
singing, pleading, blessing.

Meet your neighbor worshipfully.
Love reverently.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

Owed and owing nothing

           Owe no one anything, except to love one another.
                           —Romans 13.8

And consider yourself owed nothing.

In the culvert of consequences,
there are no surprises.
In the machinery of commerce
everyone is indentured.

But the meadow of grace is alive
always and only in the present moment.
New creation. No mortgage.
Owed and owing nothing.

Renounce your claims

and everything is a gift.

This is the scandal of grace.
Nobody owes anybody anything.
It’s all gift.

Your hard earned cash
or the next breath, all of it.

In the fresh present
there is only freedom and miracle,
wonder and gratitude,
receiving and giving with joy.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

Go to them

           If one sins against you,
           go and point out the fault
           when the two of you are alone.

                           —Matthew 18.15

Talk with people, not about them.

Don’t underestimate the power of this challenge.
To do this you stand on your own legs.
You renounce having others speak for you.
You take responsibility for your feelings
and don’t sublet them for another to control.
You honor your heart, your experience and its integrity.
You rely on God’s grace rather than your own comfort.
You trust your worth regardless of another’s reaction,
your belovedness regardless of others’ discomfort.
You free yourself from imagining
that you can manage another’s discomfort.
Knowing your dignity is untouched,
you subject it to your love.
You express your love for them
by not shielding them from the truth.
You respect them by not speaking ill of them to others.
You go to where you know you may have to forgive.
You open yourself to hearing how you also have sinned.
You open the door to reconciliation,
which opens no other way.

To be so honest, so forthright, gently but clearly,
you are transparent to the gospel.
You are free, and not afraid.
You are light and not shadow.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections


This mountain I climb,
does it feel my tiny, astonished footfalls?

This river I wade in, does it notice
what of me it carries to the sea?

The stars, they don’t have any idea, do they,
of my admiration?

The bee working the blossoms
doesn’t suspect, does it, my gaze akin to worship?

And you, are you aware of the Mighty One
stooping to adore you?

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

All the little worlds

Flying across the country
in our little enclosed world
of seat backs and tray tables
I see all these little worlds down there,
the little farms, the towns,
the tiny vast sprawling cities,
and each is a world,
and each is a world of worlds.
In one there is joy, another labor,
someone searching here and resting there,
joking or weeping or dying or rearranging a drawer.

My family gathers, all ten of us,
a world of worlds, the ones we carry around with us,
meeting and overlapping and flowing into
and out of one another.

Sleeping, I am a world of worlds,
my past, my hopes, all there,
my brain dreaming a world,
the mites on my face in their world,
the microbes in my gut in theirs,
my knees whose world is not like my forehead’s,
all in the one world of me.

When you meet someone
there is no travel guide
to all the worlds they come from,
all the worlds they see,
all the worlds they are.
Only the reminder that
we are always learning a new place,
and that there is only one world,
all of us part of it,
little cells in a great living being.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

On vacation

I’m going on vacation for a couple weeks.

To vacate – to leave, give up or relinquish,
such as a place or an office.
To evacuate.
To lose in order to find.
I’ll vacate the premises;
I’ll not be writing.

To become vacant.
To create a vacuum.
To go on vacation
I’ll empty my mind.
I’ll make an empty space.
I’ll make room in my life.

(Those who stuff their lives full
have no room for anything;
those who empty their lives
have everything.)

I’ll go on vacation
(though not with a vacant expression)
with nothing to show for my life
but itself

and return—amazing!—
full of life.

See you in September.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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She pleads for you

           She said, “Yes, Lord,
           yet even the dogs eat the crumbs
           that fall from their masters’ table.”

                           —Matthew 15.27

You will be told you’re not worthy.
There will be heavy theology behind it.
It will be untrue, but seemingly irrefutable.

But a voice in you knows.
A Wisdom knows otherwise.
Knows you belong at the table.

She pleads for your wholeness.
She doesn’t back down.
She will confront the Almighty.

She’s uncredentialed.
Speaks with an accent.
Hides in out of the way places.

Find her.
Let her speak.
The Divine listens to her.

She is, in fact, divine,
the mother of your soul,
securing your life.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


You hardly notice do you
the little sprite
who comes along behind you
erasing everything
all your failures
all the complicating little details
all your successes—
       (things that something in you
       works so hard to remember)—

rubbing them out with a silent little eraser
until there’s nothing
but this moment

and a great, deep affection
coming from somewhere unseen
a living breathing cherishment
holding you

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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          When some Midianite traders passed by,
         Joseph’s brothers drew him up, lifting him out of the pit,
         and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.

                  —Genesis 37.28

Frost is mostly right that home is where,
when you have to go there, they have to take you.
Mostly. But what would Hagar say? Or Joseph?
Biblical families aren’t havens of belonging,
places of safety or unconditional acceptance.
Think of them. Every one. They struggle to be decent.
I can’t break it to you easy:
Loving or not, family is where your shit comes from.
Where your problems start. Where conflict is inevitable.
Where we treat loved ones as we would never treat strangers.
Home is where monsters live under our beds, and in our closets,
and maybe in our parents’ room.
The monster is who we are supposed to be, expected to be,
made to be. It swallows us.
Sooner or later we have to come home and reckon with family.
It’s the final frontier: the deepest wounds, the greatest fears,
the heaviest failures, the sneakiest neuroses
we have to wrestle with. Jacob and his angel.
Face to face or elsewhere, we have to go back into that house
and work things out. Engage in loving conflict.
Accept without yielding. Take what’s true and flush the rest.
Forgive them, and ourselves. Honor the child of us,
the one who protected and sustained us—
and thank that child, and say goodbye. Let them stay there
while we move on. It’s how we get free.
The Bible is right: family is where you work your stuff out.
I pray for your courage to go there.
I pray that, alive or dead, they will help you.
But remember nothing depends on them. It’s your work.
Do it, and even to those who sold you into slavery
you will be ready to act with grace and honor and generosity.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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On the sea within

           He became frightened,
           and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Boss, save me!”
           Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him.

                           —Matthew 14.30-31

On the sea within me
there is one who cries out
and one who responds.

Within me, one who commands
and one who asks to be commanded.

One who panics in the chaos
and, yes, within me, one who is steady.

One who is terrified at the waves
and one who finds footing there.

One clings to the known
and one strides in mystery.

They reach out to each other
on the beautiful stormy sea within me.

As long as they hold onto each other
I do not sink.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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