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OT 11

Lectionary Texts In 1 Kings 21. 1-21 King Ahab wants Naboth’s vineyard, his ancestral inheritance, for himself. Ahab’s wife Jezebel gets Naboth killed so that Ahab can take the vineyard. The prophet Elijah confronts Ahab about his evil. Psalm 5. 1-8 is a lament, crying out to God for justice and protection against the malice… Continue reading OT 11

OT 10

Lectionary Texts In 1 Kings 17.8-24 the prophet Elijah is staying with a widow and her son. The child becomes ill and dies, and Elijah brings him back to life. Psalm 146 is a song of praise to God, who made all Creation, and who sets prisoners free, brings justice for the oppressed, and lifts… Continue reading OT 10

Trinity Sunday

June 15, 2025 Lectionary Texts Proverbs 8 —Wisdom cries out for us to live by her truth. Psalm 8 —When I look at the heavens, what are humans, that you are mindful of them? How majestic is your name! Romans 5.1-5 — Justified by faith, we have peace. Suffering… produces hope, because the Spirit pours… Continue reading Trinity Sunday


June 8, 2025 Lectionary Texts Acts 2.1-21 —The Pentecost story. Psalm 104 — God creates all things through God’s Spirit, and that the Spirit gives living beings their life. Romans 8.14-17 — All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. John 14. 8-17, 25-27 — “I am in God, and… Continue reading Pentecost

Song of Healing

Original lyrics set to the tune of Finlandia.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
O God of love, O God of grace unending,
come heal your people, body, mind and soul:
those who know grief, whom sorrow is befriending,
the sick and struggling, who know sorrow’s role.
Heal those whose backs beneath their loads are bending;
come set them free. Come heal and make them whole.
Use us, O God: complete the nations’ mending:
make us your hands; show us our healing role;
make us your eyes, your light in all defending;
let healing flow; O, let your justice roll.
Help us, O God, your Holy Spirit lending,
to heal and bless, to make the dear world whole.

The stones would cry out

           Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him,           “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.”           He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent,           the stones would shout out.”                           —Luke 19.39-40 They do shout out.All Creation cries out in praise of Love.All Creation defies the threats of tyrantsand the certainty of merchants,shouts out for fragile beauty and the… Continue reading The stones would cry out

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