Touch the river

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

Touch the river
and you touch the mountain top,
the glacier, the dizzying waterfall.

Touch the river
and you touch the sea, vast and deep.
rumbling with whales.

Touch this moment
and you touch God, holy, infinite and eternal,
here, in this moment.

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

30 years

Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

Today Beth and I are celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary. In all the blessing, the love, the riches, the struggle, the self-discovery, the joy and the surprises of these thirty years, the greatest mystery is this: that through it all, in idyllic times and troubled ones, when it was easy and when it was hard, whether she felt like batting her eyelashes or rolling her eyes, she never left me, never gave up, never stopped loving me, never ceased to draw out of me my love for her.

Marriages go long and short, deep and shallow. Not everyone is as lucky as I. But I know this and trust it as surely as gravity: that love is at the heart of Being itself. Beth’s love is not an oddity in this universe. It comes from somewhere. And thought it’s taken hard work, my love is not a product of my effort. It’s a gift. These thirty years are a glimpse of eternity. The deep love we’ve experienced is a part of a greater, infinite love that burns at the heart of all things. There is One who loves you deeply, unfailingly, gently, despite all your faults, including the most terrible things you’ve ever done. The Loving One, the Embracing Mystery, knows you at your worst and loves you. She also knows you at your best, better than you know yourself, and draws you toward that perfection with a strong and tender force. The Infinite Spirit of Love does not judge “worse” or “better” in you; she simply loves you and holds you to the truth of who you are.

The Lord has called you like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit” (Isa. 54.6).

There is always more, deeper love to be had. That’s the part that takes hard work, commitment, self-examination and sacrifice. But it’s always, miraculously, abundantly worth it, a hundred times over. All you have to do is stay with her. Stay attentive, stay faithful. Receive her blessings. Learn her wisdom. Submit to her call in your heart. Serve her without hesitation. Love her. No matter what, give thanks. And riches beyond measure or deserving will be yours— now, for many years, and to eternal life.

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

For gentle patience

Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.


God, today I pray

for gentle patience,
as the earth that holds me, whatever I do;

for the hospitable acceptance of what is,
as the breeze that blows as it is led
and flows around what it must;

for curiosity,
as the plants that seek light;

for steadfast strength,
as the weeds that return;

for a light heart,
as the geese that fly overhead
laughing at each other;

for deep compassion,
as the sun and the rain that fall upon us,
giving us light and life and beauty.

God, today I pray for your eternal Spirit
by which you create the world each new day
to live in me, to create me anew,
to make me beautiful and kind,
to make me yours.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes


Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

As he approached the gate of the town, a man who had died was being carried out. He was his mother’s only son, and she was a widow; and with her was a large crowd from the town. When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “Young man, I say to you, rise!” The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother.

Luke 7.12-15

If we take the gospel seriously it leaves us with a heart-wrenching question: if Jesus could raise the dead once or twice, why didn’t he always? What good is a miracle, even if it leads us to believe, if it’s nothing that’s ever really going to happen again? Why should we believe that he could raise the dead when in fact he won’t?

I don’t know.

But I do know that life is full of mystery, that death is real, and that compassion burns at the heart of all things. I know that death and suffering will not simply disappear. But I also believe that Love encounters us on our way, walks with us on each Via Dolorosa, and interrupts our funeral marches. And that therefore anything can happen. Our dead, even the most dearly missed and needed, even the most unjustly dead, are not likely to revive. But something is. I don’t expect that I ever know what the miracle will be. But I know that it is not impossible.

I’ve done enough funerals as a pastor, shared through enough people’s mourning, and lost my parents and a childhood friend, to know not to expect anything other than the permanence of death and the usual process of loss and grieving. But I also know that I don’t know everything, that Love changes things, that the unexpected can happen, and that new life rises—not in the body of the deceased, but among us nonetheless. Sometimes some weird miracle does happen.

I don’t know why Jesus doesn’t just do more miracles. But for me not knowing leads to openness, not despair. Because I don’t know, I know that anything can happen. Anything.

Be open.

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Copyright © Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Psalm 146

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.


O Holy Presence, Power of Life,
we praise you.
We praise you with our saying and doing;
we praise you by being.

Our life doesn’t come from powerful people;

it’s not soldiers who make us free.
What they control dies with them:
it’s little stuff, not what’s deeply life-giving.

But unbounded life wells up in us
when we open our hearts to your love for all,
when our hearts fall into the Heart
who is at the heart of all things—

you— who create galaxies,
who handmade the earth;
who filled the oceans drop by drop
and gave them their tiny and huge creatures,

you who never give up on us,
who liberate the oppressed,
who are food for the hungry
and who lift those who are bowed down.

O Love, you set us free
from whatever imprisons us;
you open our eyes when we are blind;
and in you we discover deep love.

You are present in the stranger;
you are the hope and dignity
of the homeless child, the single mother,
the strength of the vulnerable ones.

Hose who turn to you
you feed with life,
but the spirit of selfishness
you starve to death.

Holy One,
you love the world into being.


Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

The masterpiece

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.


A composer labored over a symphony,
creating with ordinary instruments
the very music of heaven.

Even before its debut,
word spread of its beauty,
of its power to transfigure the listener,

and the honor
the masterpiece would bring
to their little town.

Tickets to the performance
were ridiculously expensive,
granting the highest social standing.

On the day of the concert
people fought their way in,
though the composer sat in the back.

As the orchestra began, people were swept away.
Within the first few notes they were weeping.
Within a minute they were in ecstasy.

Before the orchestra had even played through
the first theme, the audience was shouting,
hailing as a genius the startled composer,

whom they carried on their shoulders
out of the theater and into the square,
where they soon erected a statue

of the composer, whose masterpiece,
beyond the first few measures,
to their dying days, they never actually heard.


Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Memorial Day

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

God of life, on this day we honor those who have sacrificed in the service of their country in the military. Bless their gifts, and bring healing to those who have suffered and comfort to those who have lost loved ones.

We honor those who have sacrificed in the service of their country by working for peace, nonviolence and reconciliation. Bless their gifts, and bless us that we may receive the spirit of peace, the spirit of Christ.

We honor those for whom there is no national day of remembrance: for civilians who have suffered from war, and for the soldiers of other nations, who have also served their countries, who, but for fleeting circumstances, would be our friends.

We confess our collective sin of war, and lament our participation in actions that have caused suffering and loss. We repent of our violence, and ask you to nurture in us a deeper reverence for life. We confess our failure to speak out against war, violence and coercion; our willing participation in injustice for our own protection comfort; our failure to live nonviolently.

We pray for peace, for the healing and reconciliation of all peoples, and for the coming of your reign of mercy and justice according to your promise. In the spirit of those we honor today, those who have bravely served their country with arms, who have given of their time and hearts and bodies and lives, grant us deep reverence for life and your spirit of peace, so that we may serve the human community with courage and gentleness, in hope of the day when all people and all living beings will live in peace as you have intended. Amen.

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

The quiet one

Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

Does not wisdom call out?
Does not understanding raise her voice?

Proverbs 8.1

When the Spirit of truth comes,
she will guide you into all the truth.

John 16.13

But you won’t hear her at first
because you were expecting a man,
someone in charge, someone who would
tell you what to do, how to think,

not the quiet voice of a woman
who’s already given and lost so much

without regret that she’ll let you
ignore her, without ceasing to love you,

someone who’s given birth enough to know
to let go and never let go, to care
and not to care, to hide her secret
in the strange language of your guts.

But sooner or later you give in
and learn to wait while she stares
into the stirring pot of your eyes
and listen long enough to hear

as well as she does, listen with
the tuned drum of your heart,
the wisdom of your pulsing cells,
the body of God in you,

vibrant and yearning and at peace.
Knowing where her joy lies in you,

sensing what it longs for, how it feeds you,
when it stirs, when it rests, you wait

not for a command but a touch, an unspoken
connection, the looks that dance between
you and your confident sister,
your close companion, the Quiet One.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Secret power

Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

I carry my secret power through this world,
hidden, so that you will not see it
unless you harm or confront me directly;

though we who share the gift recognize each other—
the look in the eyes, the manner of presence.
Once you’ve seen it you can’t miss it.

It never tires or errs or fails;
it prevails in public or in secret,
with a single one or a whole clan.

It does not protect me or hand me success,
but it always triumphs, always lives,
though often I will suffer for it, but only a bit.

I draw on the secret power
poured out into me, welling up,
unending, from the dark spring within.

It streams from my heart at all whom I meet,
but they seldom know it was me,
since it takes effect so slowly.

I walk through the market, I read the paper,
I watch the dryer repair man, the grocery clerk,
people who drive, who walk, who yell at me,

secretly radiating the gift that I have been given,
seldom speaking of it, but letting it flow:

Blessing.” “Blessing.” “Blessing.”

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Copyright © Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Runner’s medium

Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

Most days I run about four and a half miles. I don’t experience a “runner’s high” very often; it’s more like a runner’s medium— maybe medium-high. I push myself, but I’m not concerned about improving my time, just my health. What’s important to me is not how soon I cross the finish line, but how fit I am. When I run I trust the invisible processes in my body, the transformation of tissues, bone and heart, of metabolism, blood chemistry, immunology, stamina and all sorts of things. I don’t understand all that. I just know it’s going on in me. So I run.

When I sit in silent stillness and meditate on the love of God I don’t often experience a “pray-er’s high,” that endorphin-rich state of bliss brought on by profound meditation. I don’t often sense that God is saying anything in particular to me. But I trust the invisible process going on in my soul. Even though sometimes my prayer is shallow or my mind wanders, when I sit in silence, the Beloved prays in me, Spirit breathes in me, and unseen miracles occur— gifts of healing, release, wisdom, connection, love and presence. I don’t understand it. I just know it’s going on in me. So I pray.

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Copyright © Steve Garnaas-Holmes

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