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A new empire

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.             “God will give him the throne of his ancestor David…          and of his kingdom there will be no end.”                   —Luke 1.32, 33               Magi came from the east asking,          “Where is he who is born king of the Jews?          For we have seen his star at its… Continue reading A new empire


My soul is God’s glory. Amazing.         I am awed. I am grateful. The world thought me lowly         but I am blessed. I’ve been given the Holy One’s power: mercy,         mercy I pass on to generations. The strength of God blinds the proud,         confounds those deluded by power. The Just One takes down the powerful,         vacates them from their boardrooms, and… Continue reading Magnificat

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Into this darkness

Dearly Beloved,Grace and Peace to you.                                     Advent takes on a different feel from the rest of the year: we hang lights, put up decorations, sing about peace and joy. But there always seem to be these dark intrusions into our Christmas preparations: untimely deaths, December tragedies, school shootings, protests over racial injustice,… Continue reading Into this darkness

Categorized as Reflections

O Love, be my Sovereign

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.                 Christ is above all rule and authority                   and power and dominion.                            —Ephesians 1.21 O Love, be my Sovereign. Rule my world. Control my life. I subject my freedom to your absolute mercy. I pledge my allegiance to your dynasty of justice, the tyranny of your grace, your… Continue reading O Love, be my Sovereign

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Election Day

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.                  It is Election Day today in the US, where folks are divided between those who think voting is your sacred duty, those who think it’s useless, and those who want to vote but are prevented by voter suppression laws. The world is divided between those who… Continue reading Election Day

Choose love

          You shall love the Lord your God         with all your heart, and with all your soul,         and with all your mind,         and love your neighbor as yourself.                  —Matthew 22.37, 39 There are really only two religions, two ways of living, and every moment everyone, religious of every flavor and atheist alike, is choosing which way we go.… Continue reading Choose love

To be a man

         To every man is given in its timethe need to be a man:to be strong enough to be gentle,to protect without controlling,to be wise without cunning,to stand against a great foewithout stooping to be mean,to be adept enough to be gracious;with the true manliness that is generosity,like a great tree bearing fruit,undisturbed by stormsand welcoming… Continue reading To be a man


         The Israelites gathered the manna,         some gathering more, some less.         But those who gathered much had nothing over,         and those who gathered little had no shortage;         they gathered as much as each of them needed.                   —Exodus 16.17-18            The laborers said, “These last worked only one hour,         and you have made them equal to us         who have borne the burden of… Continue reading Share

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Take up your cross

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.           “If you want to become my follower,         deny yourself         and take up your cross and follow me.”                  —Matthew 16.24 The Christian faith is not a set of opinions about Jesus. It is a life of following him, practicing his self-giving love. To follow Jesus is to enter the suffering… Continue reading Take up your cross


        Go and tell John what you hear and see:         the blind receive their sight, the lame walk,         the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised,         and the poor have good news brought to them.                  —Matthew 11.4-5 Healing works its grace within you, unseen.Justice unfolds in this world, unknown.Whatever happens, so does healing.The Beloved is continually… Continue reading Mending

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