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All Saints Day

November 1 or November 3, 2024 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 25.6-9 — On this mountain God will make a feast… and swallow up death.. and wipe away tears Psalm 24 —The earth is God’s… The king of glory enters! Revelation 21.1-6 — The new heaven and new earth. Death will be no more. “Behold, I make… Continue reading All Saints Day

Reign of Christ Sunday

November 24, 2024 Lectionary Texts 2 Samuel 23.1-7 — David’s last words: a just ruler is like the dawn.. God’s covenant… the godless are like thorns. Psalm 132 — God will place one of David’s descendants on the throne. Revelation 1.4b-8 —Christ our ruler has freed us and made us into a new commonwealth. John… Continue reading Reign of Christ Sunday

OT 25 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost

September 22, 2024 Lectionary Texts Proverbs 31.10-31 — A capable wife Psalm 1 — Those who follow God’s ways are like trees growing near water, bearing fruit and never failing. James 3.13-4.3, 7-8a — Contrasting selfish desire with “gentleness born of wisdom.” Conflicting desires within us cause the conflicts between us. Mark 9.30-37 — The… Continue reading OT 25 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost


         He asked them, “But who do you say that I am?”         Peter answered him, “You are the Messiah.”                   —Mark 8.29 Really? To Peter?Wisdom Teacher maybe; friend, commander, co-conspirator,confounder, eye-opener, spiritual director, divine prodder,midwife of the New Life—but not a Christological assertion. The Messiah was a mighty warrior who would liberate Israelfrom Roman oppression. A kind of… Continue reading “Messiah?”

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