Christ, You Companion Us
Original lyrics, especially reflecting the walk to Emmaus, Luke 24.13-35.
Set to the tune of Be Thou My Vision.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Christ, you companion us, walking this road,
hearing our stories and sharing our load.
Though we don't see you or know you are here,
still our hearts burn, for they sense you are near.
Unseen companion, you tend to our fears,
bend to our grief with compassionate ears.
Walking beside us, you help us to live
bearing the peace and the healing you give.
Through darkest valleys you shepherd your sheep,
giving us courage when pathways are steep.
Christ, whom we follow and trust and adore,
you lead us always where you've been before.
Christ, you who feed us your life as our bread,
love that is food for the journey ahead,
send us in joy to embody your grace,
walking with you, Love, in each time and place.