Christ, You Have Gathered
Original lyrics based on Luke 13.31-35, set to the tune of be Thou My Vision.
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Christ, you have gathered your children in peace
here at the table of your loving grace,
just as a mother hen gathers her brood,
giving us shelter and your holy food.
Christ, while dark shadows of death yet draw near,
you go on doing your healing work here.
So the good news of your love cannot fail:*
though evil still abounds, your grace will prevail.
Christ, dead and risen, you gather us in,
so that the great Feast of Life may begin.
Spirit, the gifts that you give us we bring,
sharing with joy as your praises we sing.
God, may we dwell in your house all our days,
sharing our gifts as our offering of praise,
humbly beholding your beauty and grace,
and walking with you and learning your ways.