Christ on the Mountain

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Original lyrics set to the tune of Be Thou My Visikon.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.

Christ on the mountain, our law and our light, we
come to your table with all you invite.
Hearts all aglow with your Spirit’s bright rays,
gladly we offer our gifts and our praise.

Dawning of heaven, our heart’s rising sun,
feasting upon you, we all become one,
bright with the love that your Spirit imparts,
radiant with mercy in each of our hearts.

Christ, as your Body, we pray by your grace, that
we give your deep love a voice and a face,
by love transfigured, with light in our hands,
bringing your gospel to earth’s farthest lands.


The lyrics shown on this page are original lyrics by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, set to the tune of Be Thou My Vision.

These lyrics are free to use or pay-what-you-like to purchase (download includes lyrics in .doc and .PDF formats)—or you may directly copy and paste from this page. You are permitted to print, project, broadcast or otherwise use this song in worship in whatever ways you need.

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