Comfort, Comfort

$3.00 or more

Original song. An Advent song based on Isaiah 40.1-11. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Comfort, comfort my people,
speak tenderly to my beloved:
from your imprisonment, from your despair
you shall be released.
       Prepare the way in the wilderness.
        Prepare the way.
        Prepare the way in the wilderness.
        prepare the way.
Build up, build up a new way,
the rough and the crooked make even.
Build up a way where God’s justice may come.
Open up a way.
       Prepare the way in the wilderness….
Cry, cry out the mystery,
for we are like flowers and grasses,
growing then fading when winter winds blow.
But God’s love endures.
       Prepare the way in the wilderness….
Raise up, raise up your voices,
rejoice for your savior is coming.
God like a shepherd will gather us in,
guide us on in love.
        Prepare the way in the wilderness….

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This is an original song by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. Purchasing this song unlocks a downloadable .zip file that includes lyrics and music for congregation and music for musicians (in both .doc and .PDF format). Listen to an excerpt here:

With your purchase, you are permitted to copy and paste, print, project, broadcast or otherwise use these materials and this song in worship or whatever way you need. Please include the note “Used by permission; Steve Garnaas-Holmes,” in your materials when possible. 

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