Dove of Peace

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Original lyrics set to the tune of “Londonderry Air,” O Danny Boy.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
O Dove of Peace, among our weeping ruins, rise
and take your flight on bruised and battered wing,
for still we need your song, and still our anger cries—
and still you come to us, and still you sing.
O sing of gentle courage, sing to every soul
who rules on throne or hides in catacomb,
for to us all you come to heal and make us whole.
O Dove of Peace, bless us, and make in us your home.
O Breath of Life, you breathe in every wounded breast.
You breathe your peace alike in friend and foe,
for every child is holy, every soul is blessed;
and every fear your peace will overthrow.
O breathe your peace in us, let it become our way;
let us meet every trouble with good will.
O bear us on your breath of love and hope, we pray.
O Breath of Life, O Dove of Peace, be with us still.

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The lyrics shown on this page are original lyrics by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, set to the tune of “Londonderry Air,” O Danny Boy.
Photo credit: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa.

These lyrics are free to use or pay-what-you-like to purchase (download includes lyrics in .doc format)—or you may directly copy and paste from this page. You are permitted to print, project, broadcast or otherwise use this song in worship in whatever ways you need.

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