God of the Day and Night

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Original lyrics set to the tune of Fairest Lord Jesus (ST. ELIZABETH).
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
God of the day and night,
thank you for the gift of light,

thank you for darkness, for times of rest.

Now at the end of day, as we together pray

we are in you, held close and blessed

All that we’ve done today,
thought or spoke or hoped or prayed,

now to your tenderness we release.

All of our sins forgive, that we in faith may live

in perfect love and trust and peace.

Praise God, this gentle night.
Praise you, God of love and light.

Praise, brother Christ, Savior, teacher, friend.

Praise to the Spirit! May we inherit

your love and grace ’till time shall end.


The lyrics shown on this page are original lyrics by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, set to the tune of Fairest Lord Jesus (ST. ELIZABETH).

These lyrics are free to use or pay-what-you-like to purchase (download includes lyrics in .doc format)—or you may directly copy and paste from this page. You are permitted to print, project, broadcast or otherwise use this song in worship in whatever ways you need.

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