One Tribe

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Original lyrics set to the tune of The Water Is Wide.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
We come with thanks, God, at your call,
to share our gifts in love with all;
for what to us you have supplied
is meant for all both far and wide.
The bread and cup from Jesus’ hand
exceeds the bounds of every land.
Your saving love, surpassing worth,
we share with every soul on earth.
Here at this feast we are, by grace,
one nation now, one tribe, one race.
All our divisions are erased.
We all are kin in every place.


The lyrics shown on this page are original lyrics by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, set to the tune of The Water Is Wide.

These lyrics are free to use or pay-what-you-like to purchase (download includes lyrics in .doc format)—or you may directly copy and paste from this page. You are permitted to print, project, broadcast or otherwise use this song in worship in whatever ways you need.

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