Shepherd of Israel

$3.00 or more

Original song. A dialogue between soloist and congregation. Three versions: Advent (Year B), Lent General, and Lent Lectionary (one for each lectionary year). Intended to be sung through the season, one verse (Advent) or two (Lent) each week. Cantor’s verses reflect lectionary texts for the week.
Also copntains a Kyrie that can be used independently. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Lyrics for Advent:

Kyrie Eleison. Christe Eleison. Kyrie Eleison.
Come to us, and grant your peace.
Week 1. Shepherd of Israel, come, restore your people.
Shine your face on us and save us, God.
Week 2. Comfort, speak tenderly. Gently lead your people.
God, forgive our sins and make us new.
Week 3. Pour out your Spirit, God, Heal the brokenhearted.
Love, prepare our hearts to see your light.
Week 4. Grant us your mercy, God. Fill the poor with good things.
Guide our feet into your way of peace.


This is an original song by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. Purchasing this song unlocks a downloadable .zip file that includes lyrics and music for congregation and music for musicians (in both .doc and .PDF format). Listen to an excerpt here:

With your purchase, you are permitted to copy and paste, print, project, broadcast or otherwise use these materials and this song in worship or whatever way you need. Please include the note “Used by permission; Steve Garnaas-Holmes,” in your materials when possible. 

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