The River of God (Ps.65)

$3.00 or more

Original song. Psalm 65. A dialogue between soloist and congregation. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Praise is due to you, O God, our Beloved.
To you alone we devote our lives.
O you who answer prayer!
To you all flesh shall come.
    Congregation (Refrain):
    The river of God is full of water.
    Praise to you, O God!
By mighty deeds you deliver us.
You are the hope of all people on earth. …Refrain
Morning and evening resound with joy.
We are silent in awe. —Refrain
You bless the earth and water it,
granting the blessing of bountiful growth. …Refrain
Meadows and wilderness overflow,
wearing their finest in joy. …Refrain
When the depth of our sin overwhelms us,
you forgive all our transgressions.
How blessed we are, O God,
that you hold us near your heart. …Refrain


This is an original song by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. Purchasing this song unlocks a downloadable .zip file that includes lyrics and music for congregation and music for musicians (in both .doc and .PDF format). Listen to an excerpt here:
Audio Player

With your purchase, you are permitted to copy and paste, print, project, broadcast or otherwise use these materials and this song in worship or whatever way you need. Please include the note “Used by permission; Steve Garnaas-Holmes,” in your materials when possible. 

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