Winter Bird

$3.00 or more

Original song. Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use.

For solo or congregational singing, accompanied by piano or bell choir.

Hear an audio clip in the Product Description below.
One winter night the woods were bare and cold as cold could be.
A bird, while singing, wove a nest up in a barren tree.
“Dear bird, “I said, “you have no young, and soon the snow will fall.
Why do you build this winter nest, so fragile and so small?”

“There is a gentle child,” she said, “whose coming is foretold:
he comes from God to warm our wintry hearts when they’re cold.
My nest is small but it is all I can provide a guest.
If he should come this way I pray he finds a little rest.”

Now the woods are still, the bird is gone, the nest has filled with snow.
But still the dear bird warms my heart, as she did long ago.
O holy child, I long for such a loving guest as thee.
Like her, I offer you my heart to make your nest in me.


This is an original song by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. Purchasing this song unlocks a downloadable .zip file that includes lyrics and music for congregation and music for musicians (in both .doc and .PDF format). Listen to an audio excerpt here:
Audio Player

With your purchase, you are permitted to copy and paste, print, project, broadcast or otherwise use these materials and this song in worship or whatever way you need. Please include the note “Used by permission; Steve Garnaas-Holmes,” in your materials when possible.

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