Awaken me

       What I say to you I say to all: Keep awake!
                  — Mark 13.37

God of the small, the subtle, the unimportant,
God of the vague, the dark, the ambiguous,
open my heart to your coming.
Open my eyes to the little signs,
my ears to the soft murmurs.
Slow me down to listen and hear.
Keep me low to look and see.

Awaken me to the losses that are blessings,
the wounds that are openings,
the weaknesses that are empty mangers.

Wake me from the stupor of busyness,
the daze of desire,
to witness your drawing near,
to behold your presence,

even in this ordinary moment,
this feeble prayer,
this beating heart.

   —December 1, 2017

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