Walking in deep snow

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

The sensation,
pressing against your legs,
the give and take of it,
like a conversation
(yet not unlike the difficulty of prayer,
deep longing pressed back upon you,
questioned, not easily released).
Being embraced.
The vigor of it, the toil, the victory.
The needing to mean it, mindful,
each step a self-giving.
The gift that the earth notices,
the miracle that
even in your merely choosing to be
the world answers back.

Weather Report

as the warmth of your individual existence
meets the universe and it responds,
as when you breathe in and air enters;
developing into full-blown relationship
by the end of the day.
Temperatures will vary
between resistance and harmony.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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