The Holy Trinity

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
“I am in the Father and the Father is in me…. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever, the Holy Spirit, who abides with you, and will be in you….. My Father will love you, and we will come to you and make our home with you”
                  —from John 14.10-23

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. The Holy Trinity is no debatable doctrine: it is an icon, a window to God. It is a koan, a parable, a paradox that invites us to let go of mere thought and behold the mystery of the Divine.

The Holy One is the Holy Many;
         all things are in God,
                  who is greater.

The Holy One is not a single, but the All;
         diverse and infinitely unfolding,
                  and even, unseen, more.

What you find of God
         always hides what you have yet to see
                  and what you can never know.

God is not individual, but community.
         God is love, which is relationship;
                  God is the Loving and the Beloved.

Source of All Being, God is Eternal Mystery.
         Living Word, God is Loving Presence.
                  Spirit of Life, God is Unfolding.

God is both Father and Son,
         this and also not this;
                  and also none of these.

God is both Father and Mother,
         male and female, parent and child.
                  God is family.

God contains the universe, and is infinitely greater.
         God is in the teacher and in the stranger.
                  God comes and makes a home with us.

God is infinite and unknowable, beyond us.
         God is revealed, Word made flesh, beside us.
                  God is in our hands, indwelling, within us.

God is Creator, immortal, unchanging.
         God is Companion, suffering, loving.
                  God is Spirit, intimate, waiting.

God is absolute, and reigns over us.
         God is vulnerable, and invites us.
                  God is servant, and depends on us.

God is other.
         God is us.
                  God is neither.

God is Mystery.
         God is this that is before you.
                  God is yet to be.

God is the Giver.
         God is the Gift.
                  God is the giving and receiving.

God is more than you think,
         more than can be thought.
                  There is no right answer, none.

Open your eyes and you see God.
         You must look carefully to see God.
                  You cannot see.

God is One,
         and also Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
                  and also not that at all.

When your understanding fails
         and you can’t know but only wonder
                  then you behold the truth.

God is love,
         and the Beloved,
                  and your loving.

In the name of the Mother, Son and Holy Spirit
         may God’s grace be with you,
                  grace that already is.


Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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