Memorial Day

O God of Eternity,
on this day we remember those
who have died while serving
in armed forces for their country.
For their service we humbly give thanks.
For their courage and self-sacrifice
we offer our praise and honor.
For the lives destroyed and the families grieved,
we pray for healing.
For asking them to bear such loss on our behalf,
for sending them into war with such ease,
for placing a human cost on our security,
we repent and ask forgiveness,
and pray for a change of heart.
May we never forget the price of our choices.
We pray that we, too, may serve as they have:
with courage and self-sacrifice,
with devotion to those beyond ourselves,
with discipline, purpose and unity,
to serve the cause of peace and the well being of all,
to dedicate ourselves and our very being
to healing, non-violence and justice,
to give our lives for the sake of peace.
God of Peace, we give thanks,
we open our hearts, and we ask your blessing. Amen.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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