
Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Fifty years ago today John F. kennedy was assassinated. “In an instant the world was changed,” or so we say. But don’t be fooled. Few things change the world in an instant. Violence, no matter how dramatic, doesn’t change anything. The world is already full of it, and more of it is just more of it. What actually changes the world is when the violence stops. It’s when the wounds and fears that drive our violence are healed. It’s when people who are bitter or afraid are reconciled. It’s forgiveness, kindness and nonviolence. What changes the world is the slow, quiet, gradual work of mending the human soul.

The Reign of Christ that we celebrate this Sunday is not the imposition of somebody’s political, economic or military will. It is the Imperial Rule of God’s grace, founded on the self-giving love of Jesus. That’s what changes the world.
And it’s not over. God’s Reign of mercy and justice is still unfolding. Every moment we are being changed.

For fifty years people have wondered if Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, or was part of a conspiracy. Well, no one acts alone. All of us are part of a web of relationships, hopes and forces. We all choose our conspiracy. Jesus initiated a conspiracy to take over the world with love. He did not act alone. There is already a great cloud of witnesses. All of us in our own small, gradual ways are changing the world with prayer, with gentleness, with awareness, with reverence for all beings. Each of us is a single thread in the mending of the world. You are part of the great divine conspiracy to change the world with love.

Don’t be distracted by the instant flashes. Keep your eyes on the long road, rest your hand in the hand of your companions, and stay your heart in God. The Holy One is not done creating this world.
Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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