The stream of justice

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
When you stand for justice,
when you work for peace
it may seem that you are alone.
But they are with you,
and speak through your voice:
Sojourner, Martin, Mohandas, Dorothy,
Dietrich, Rigoberta, Oscar, Cesar, Malala.
You are legion.

When you offer yourself for reconciliation,
when you live truth in the face of resistance
it may seem that you face overwhelming forces.
But those who abet injustice
or sever our bonds of human unity
draw only from the dry cisterns
of their own fear and self-serving.
You flow with the deep-flowing stream
of justice that is God’s energy,
the power that orders the universe.
Regardless of this outcome
you embody infinite grace.
You are immense.

The temple of oppression is impressive,
but the tree of peace already
is cracking the foundations.
You are a root hair of the Empire of God.

Even in the deepest darkness,
you are light.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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