Student of love

I so often focus on what I want to accomplish, acquire or experience. Help me today to focus on love, to let you perfect your love in me. Not to be an expert, but to be a student of love. Help me be mindful and grateful for how your love works in the world and holds it all together. To watch and learn from Christ, and from those around me who love. To enter every experience as an opportunity to wonder at love, to learn it and practice it. Keep me mindful that it is not my love, generated by my effort in some secret dynamo within, but your love flowing through me. Grant me the grace of a beginner’s mind, beginning anew each moment. By your love in me, always unfolding, make me today an attentive student of love. In your grace, perfect your love in me. Amen.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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