Come away

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

         “Come away to a deserted place
         all by yourselves and rest a while.”

                  —Mark 6.31

Leave the marketplace
of having to get, having to give.
Leave the roadway of needing to be
somewhere you’re not.
Abandon the screen
of being someone you’re not.

Come away to the place of solitude,
solely you, a soul.
Come away to be your self.
No striving,
nothing to earn or prove or be forgiven.

Here the tools, the costumes,
the armor, the nets are of no use.
No bills, no credits.
Only your soul matters,
and its holy flesh
and your holy rest.

To be born again you must return again
to the womb of solitude.
Nothing is required.
Everything is given.
You are held.
It is enough.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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