Taking up my cross

         “Take up your cross and follow me.”
                  —Mark 8.34

Jesus, you suffered for the sake of love;
         help me to love at all cost.

Though we wronged you, you offered forgiveness;
         give me your heart of forgiveness.

You met hate and untruth with gentleness;
         give me humility and patience.

You suffered without retaliation or bitterness;
         lead me in the way of nonviolence.

You were rejected and condemned;
         help me find my place among the outcast.

You bore God’s presence into our darkest places;
         fill me with your Spirit that I amy do the same.

You were imprisoned and beaten;
         help me to love those who are so treated.

You bought grace and even paradise to a fellow victim;
         help me to join the communion of those who suffer.

You entered the deep wound of the world with healing;
         help me bear your Spirit of peace into the world.

You judged power, violence and empire with love;
         help me to live and work for justice.

You made a weapon of oppression an occasion for grace;
         help me work with you for the redemption of the world.

You entrusted yourself to the grace of God;
         give me faith.

You entered your death with hope;
         give me peace.

Help me, Beloved,
         take up my cross and follow you.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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