Inferior God

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

         Christ, though divine,
                  in complete self-emptying,
                  took the life of a slave.

                           —Philippians 2.6-7

         The Human One came
                  not to be served but to serve.

                           —Mark 10.45

         Where you go, I will go;
                  where you lodge, I will lodge;
         your people shall be my people,
                  and your God my God.

                           —Ruth 1.16

O Love,
I ponder your nearness,
your infinite humility—
to go where we go,
as low as that may be,
to let our journey be your journey,
our life be your life, and death,
to serve us so,
to be dirt beneath us,

O God,
my servant,
my inferior,
my salvation.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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