What would it be

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

Fall colors flash and burn
with yellows and reds,
oranges like flags,
their dead or dying leaves
spark pleasure in our eyes,
pour their colors out
like cash
unmeasured into
yards and eaves and flower beds,
drop their gold
into the thirsty sky,
fling wide their treasures.

Why don’t I?
What would it be
to live with this wild,
brilliant generosity,
this free release,
this warmth, this
depth of color, joy,
and loss?

Weather Report

with the precipitation of things
falling out of our lives, not in,
as the season’s bright allure,
once accumulated and condensed,
now dissipates,
leaving us the gentle loveliness
of letting go.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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