The Second Coming

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Renounce the hope
that in the Second Coming
Christ will act more like Caesar
than Jesus of Nazareth.
God meant it the first time,
and it will be no different.
The cross is not God’s B game.
God comes among us
not conquering but asking for love.

Christ lures us away from supremacy.
Christ is an outcast,
whomever we reject or despise
(“so marred was his appearance”)
to heal us of our resistance to love.
Christ is homeless, a refugee, a migrant.
Christ is black, queer, alien.

The only barrier between us and heaven
is the limit of our love.
God comes as the Other
and asks us to love
and the Kingdom comes no sooner
than we see her and love her.
The Second Coming
has come a million times
and we keep missing it.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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