Heaven’s actual

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

In the sixth month already
of the impossible
Gabriel, so usually unseeable—
startling, though you thought him so foreign,
how nearer than you to the seed of your life—
fills the room with his wings,
wraps with his words
this world beside God’s so small,
sets it in the greater one
among stars and you lit by the same light,
and calls forth your trust in heaven’s actual,
—for with God nothing is impossible—
the divine within, inviting your invitation
from even deeper in,
a Word, a world entrusted to you,
your being that by gift and labor blesses,
brought with singing
through the portal of this blood of birth
and that crucial other,
calling to life in your drab littleness
the body of your holiness,
the flesh that God without you cannot have.

Even God waits to see the miracle,
the birth that only you can birth.

There is no test for paradise,
only paradise.

Say yes.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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