Longest night

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Longest night.
Darkness falls like snow,
falls and falls, deepening.

Older than the universe,
here before it,
and will be after.

Wraps an arm around us
as if we’re old friends.
We are.

Darkness lives in us,
radiates from us.
We speak it.

Darkness is the velvet cloth
where you cherish the gem
of your presence among us,

darkness the womb,
darkness the manger
that cradles your light,

this holy being
that becomes us,
births us.

In the darkness
you do not come to us,
we come from you.

Because you are with and not apart,
even the darkness
is you.

Because you shine in it
the dark is our dark,
none of it unchanged.

Your being our light,
your hereness our life,
shining in the longest night.

To my friends in the Global South:

As you enter summer take heart:
the darkness, the womb in which life grows,
never deserts you, but even now
is returning for you.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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