
Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.



After long icy months
the little frogs emerge,
thaw out and sing
their joy to be able
to sing for joy, sing wonder,
sing their longing, and ours,
a more than mating call,
naively throwing their hope
into the air, and ours,
not just for the more
but for the someone.
There’s little to do about it
but to notice the longing
and make a habit of knowing it,
even without words,
trusting it, even just
the high, earnest sound
of our mating call for God
and the faithful waiting,
married to the promise,
which has also been faithful
for millions of years.
You walk along the pond and listen,
let your heart rise a little,
and wait.



Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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