Eyes of My Heart

         …with the eyes of your heart enlightened…
                  â€”Ephesians 1.18

Spirit of Mercy, Beauty of Life,
enlighten the eyes of my heart.

Awaken me to your light,
to see with grace and to shine with grace,

to see with gratitude the beauty that unfolds,
to see with trust your immense love for me,

to see with hope the hope that rises,
to see with humility the mercy that rains,

to see fearlessly your suffering in this world,
and the power of your redemption,

to see all people as my kin,
all living beings as my flesh,

to see with love,
to see all people with love,

to see heaven emerging in each moment,
to see you, in peace, before me.

May I see, and others see,
by the light in my eyes,

the light of your peace
in the eyes of my heart,

the look of your compassion,
your delight in the eyes of my heart.

Awaken me to this day,
the eyes of my heart enlightened.

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