The eyes of our one belovedness

         The Spirit bears witness with our spirit
         that we are children of God.

                  â€”Romans 8.16

Loving One, I am your child.
Everyone else is also your child.
Your one Spirit lives in each and all of us.
If I am yours, I am theirs.

Help me trust with confidence
your love, your delight in me,
and your delight in all your children.
You are in me; you are in them.

Help me see with love and humility
your presence in others:
no matter how different or troubling,
they too are your beloved, and mine.

They are my sisters and brothers,
born of the same holy womb.
In you our Spirit flows in many bodies,
one Spirit, one life. We are one.

Help me today to see you in all people,
to see with the eyes of the Spirit,
with the eyes of our one belovedness,
each person my dear one.

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