The word of Love is perfect, reviving the soul
the wisdom of God is solid,
enlightening those who are open. …
But who can see themselves clearly enough?
Save me from my own hidden faults.
Don’t let me be insulting;
don’t let nastiness come over me. …
Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to you, O Lord,
my rock and my redeemer.
—Psalm 19.7, 12-13, 14
God of love, may I think and speak
in harmony with your graciousness.
May I speak only what is truthful and loving,
what is born of your grace in me.
May I speak with compassion and humility
in blessing, not cursing,
in reverence, not pride.
Give me wisdom to see myself honestly,
to know my own faults,
to see your light in me and all that hides it,
and the same in others as well.
Keep me from blaming born of a fearful ego,
but let me speak your encouragement and truth.
May the words I speak and the thoughts I harbor
reflect your tender compassion,
your forgiveness of me and all people,
O God, my truth and my love.