Beloved, by your grace
I willingly accept my poverty of spirit;
for you bless me with your Realm of love.
I honestly mourn,
for you bless me with your comfort.
I will be gentle,
for you bless me with the gift of the earth.
I continue to hunger and thirst for you,
for you fill me with yourself.
I will show mercy,
for you shower me with mercy.
I seek to be pure in heart,
that I may see you.
I will be your peacemaker,
for I am your child.
I will accept persecution
for you bless me with your Realm of grace.
I gladly accept that justice and peacemaking
attract persecution and resistance,
for so people treat all those
who do justice, who love kindness,
who walk humbly with you.
In my poverty I will stand unbowed,
for in your grace you bless me.