Fortune cookie

You are going to die.
                  Probably not today… but keep it in mind.

You are going to shine.
Definitely today, though it may not be visible
from the outside, outside being too distant
from the throne of your being,
the gem of your you.
Today beneath the rumple and muddle
                  you will shine.

You will trip and fall,
though in what way or how badly is yet unclear.
But you probably will not die.
                  Keep that in mind.

Today you will pass by the actual gates of heaven,
their confounding pearlescence hid from your naïve eyes,
but there it will be.
                  You can go in.

Today you will be loved from every direction,
though you may not see a hint of it
till the stars come out holding up their lights
like your fans at a rock concert.
                  That’s what that will mean.

Today you will be loved by the One whose love
is powerful enough to spin planets and fill oceans
and make something as glorious as you.
Keep that in mind.
Even as you pick yourself up off the floor today,
                  keep it in mind.

Weather Report

you will reflect on the weather,
which will reflect you.
Though you will see it all about you
none of it will be about you,
and as you find yourself in the thick of it,
in the thick of it you’ll have to find yourself.
Whether or not you do,
it will still be weather.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

October 3, 2019

Mere slaves

         “We are merely slaves;
         we have done only what we ought to have done!’”

                  —Luke 17.10

Admire the heroes.
Let their focus and perseverance fill you.
But don’t bother trying to emulate them:
you’ll only feel inadequate.

Listen for what you yourself are called to do,
the gyroscope in you that leans you,
the magnet that pulls you toward something.
Merely do what is in you to do.

Don’t try to be the hero who dashes out of the ranks.
Be a mere slave to the passions you’re given,
the lowly servant of goodness and beauty and justice,
quietly obedient to the voice within.

Light is generated not by success,
but by obedience to your given gifts.
Tie a rope around your waist and your vision.
Follow humbly. That’s all your heroes have done.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

October 2, 2019

Mustard seed

Faith is no superpower;
it isn’t a substance with quantity.
Faith is trust in God,
openness to the power inherent in what is.

Faith is being in the grip of the gravity
of God’s grace.
It’s the gravity that does all the work,
and no one is without it.

Faith is a tiny, weak finger
willing to flip the light switch of God.

Faith is whatever the bird knows
of feather, of wing, of air.

Faith is allowing light to shine,
lungs to breathe, God to love.
         If you have faith the size of a mustard seed…
                  [Luke 17.6]

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

October 1, 2019

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