
My Dearest,
every bit of beauty you see today
Is my gift to you.
You are the joy in my heart,
my delight and my hope.
I can’t take my eyes off you.
I desire your beauty,
yet I gladly share you with the world.
No matter where you are
I hold you close.
I will never abandon you,
never test or trick you,
never compromise my love for you.
No evil you could do
can dim my love for you.
I am the joy that sees you into being,
that hears you into who you are.
My heart beats in you.
I love you, and I am grateful for you.
Please be mine.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 14, 2020

Categorized as Reflections


         You have heard.. “You shall not murder’”
         But I say to you that if you are angry with a sibling,
         or insult them you will be liable to judgment.
         When you are offering your gift at the altar,
         if you remember that someone has something against you…
         first be reconciled to your sibling,
         and then come and offer your gift.

                  —from Matthew 5.21-24

If you love the people of the world
and know them as your siblings,
if you care, you will clearly see injustice
and you will be furious.

Let your rage burn.
Do not quench its flames.
Let yourself be angry at what should not be.
The Teacher is not lulling us into docile politeness
in the face of demons;
but let your rage be against the demons,
not against the people possessed.

See how the Teacher turns our mind first
from being wronged to having wronged others.
First sweep your house of your own demons.
Seek forgiveness
and be reconciled to those you have wronged
before you make demands of those who wrong others.
Let the furnace of repentance refine your rage
into desire for kindness for all.
Some things need to be burned down, but not people.
Let nothing diminish your love for wrongdoers
even as you go at what diminishes their love.
Oppose the oppression, not the oppressor.

Let your rage be the fire of love,
not the ire of not getting your way;
the refining fire of justice,
not the consuming fire of anger.
Let your rage be refined with sorrow.
Out of the death of grief let passion rise,
burning desire for love among all.
Let that passion fuel your work for restoration,
the fire of love be your courage
to do justice, to love mercy, to walk humbly with God.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 13, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

Love your enemies

          Love your enemies
         and pray for those who persecute you,

                  —Matthew 5.44

In the beginning was the Word.
The Word gives life,
the light of all people.
All people.

We bury the light,
the divine light in our heart,
we disbelieve it, deny it,
revolt against it.
It’s the very light—our fear of it—
that makes us awful.

Love the poor child,
lost and afraid
of their own light.
Pity them, and want for them only
that they come home.

Love that in everyone.
Love it in the struggling neighbor
and in the awful, the tyrant, the evil ones.

As you stand for justice,
confront the oppressor,
resist the bearers of evil,
do it with love in your heart,
for them, and for the world.
Disarm them as you must,
with love for the lost child in them
and for the ones they harm.

Keeping our heart in the light
gives us courage to fight evil
with love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 12, 2020

Categorized as Reflections


Go out into nature
and walk among its mysteries,
its articulate silences spoken
in an unspoken language.
Everything around you is the rest
of the cells within you.
Let the sky remember you,
the earth hold you,
let the deep wave call to you,
the river beckon you in,
the desert open its arms
too far, too wide,
the stars whisper to you
sweet nothings,
nothings at all,
trees, the other side
of your lungs breathing,
that forest within you breathing,
mountains moving toward sand,
rivers toward seas,
(keep breathing)
blossoms becoming complete,
the soil you will become,
until you enter their vanishing.
Go out into nature until
it is not out but in.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 11, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

Flow in me

Holy One, Holy Oneness,
you whose heart is closer to me
than my own heart,
whose breath is the breath of my prayer,
whose love is the root of my life,
flow in me this day.
Breathe me into this life,
a song of your mercy,
a breath of life breathed into a gasping world.
Let me be a fruit ripening on your vine,
quiet in courage, steadfast in love,
drawing from your Spirit coursing through me.
Shield me from what destroys;
open me to give of myself;
bless me in what is surrendered.
Sustain me, guide me and accompany me
that I may live in harmony with your grace and delight,
fully present in eternal life each moment.
I am yours, Love. Love in me.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 10, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

Ice on the lake

The eye of the lake is closed,
flat as a lie, and as thin.

We could walk across the lake
and talk quietly, a long time.

Soon it will darken, soft spots
will spoil, neither ice nor water.

But for now the shield of cold,
the sharp white edges of air

hold the lake still, a pondering,
a loving embrace.

Maybe it is not time yet
for your birthing, your ripening.

A page of white, a sheet made ready,
what silence looks like.

Beneath the surface, fish,
and a whole green summer ahead.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 7, 2020


Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

           You are the salt of the earth;
          but if salt has lost its taste,
          how can its saltiness be restored?  

                   —Matthew 5.13

Your salt is kindness.
Let all you do be salted with love.

Don’t leave your faith unsalted.
Don’t lose your love for anything else.

Be the salt of every moment,
releasing the flavor of grace.

Let love be what preserves,
what honors, what keeps.

Honor the grit of your salt,
the courage to seek justice.

Let the salt of your mercy
melt the ice of injustice.

Let your prayer be an epsom salt bath
in the kindness of God.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 6, 2020

The Emperor struts

         Now we have received not the spirit of the world,
         but the Spirit that is from God.

                  —1 Corinthians 2.12

The Emperor struts proudly
shrouded in his acclaim.
His admirers shout their praise.
They cheer for their lives.

The palace reeks
of the embalming fluid of lies,
the grave clothes of popularity
wrapped tightly around them.

I will give you all this,”
then man once said,
“If you worship me.” …
God, help me decline.

Help me stand firm in truth,
do justice with courage,
practice mercy, walk tall with you….
“and him crucified.”

The Emperor threatens those
who do not fall toward him.
God, help me stand firm,
unmoved, but moved, in love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 5, 2020

The fast I choose

          Is not this the fast that I choose:
                  to loose the bonds of injustice,
         to undo the thongs of the yoke,
                  to let the oppressed go free,
                  and to break every yoke?
         Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
                  and bring the homeless poor into your house;
         when you see the naked, to cover them,
                  and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
                  —Isaiah 58.6-7

God does not care what you believe;
God cares how you treat people.
Let your prayer lead you to love,
especially for the unloved and unlovable.
Let your creed be kindness, and courage
to undo the chains of oppression.
If your faith is not passion for justice
it’s faith in something other than God,
for God is the God of all.
The worship God desires—the God of all people—
is that all of God’s beloved receive favor equally.
Until everyone is given honor, freedom and love,
your faith journey is not complete.
This is all the creed you need:
“What you do to the least you do to me.”

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 4, 2020

Light of the world

           You are the light of the world.
         Let your light so shine before others,
         that by the light of your good works
         they may see
         and give glory to the Beloved in heaven.

                  —Matthew 5.14, 16

In the beginning
when God began to create you
God said, “Let there be light.”

Not your accomplishments,
not even your good works,
but your being
is light.
Your good works are only the glass.
You are the light.

Let your life be glass,
transparent to the light.

It doesn’t matter that others see you,
only that they see.

It’s not always what they see
but their seeing
that glorifies God.


Weather Report
as the mass of divine presence
moves through, increasing visibility.
Expect precipitation in some form…
(the natives have a hundred words for miracles.)

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 3, 2020

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