
           Joseph also went
           from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea,
           to the city of David called Bethlehem,
           because he was descended from the house and family of David. 

                           —Luke 2.4

We grew up on stories of Jesus born in a stable,
homeless and rejected.
But that’s not what Luke describes.
Theirs was a family-centered culture.
Joseph’s kin would have welcomed him in to their home.
The “inn” is a poor translation of what really was
the upstairs guest room (crowded with all the kinfolk!).
The manger was not out in a stable
but in the lower room of the house,
where the animals were fed at night.
Luke isn’t portraying a baby born in the outskirts,
but born among family—
crowded, noisy, and probably festive.
As an adult Jesus spent lots of time
among the outcasts, the un-familied.
But his roots are in family. 

So. Finding family among the marginalized isn’t hereditary.
It’s a choice.
Much like God’s choice to come be with us,
to dwell with us, to choose us as family.
Maybe Christmas is about choosing family
among whoever needs it.

       God, thank you for choosing us as your family.
       Help me to choose as wisely, and as widely, as you.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections


           Blessed is she who believed
           that there would be a fulfillment
           of what was spoken to her by God.
                           —Luke 1.45

This time of year we’re told to “believe.”
But what does that mean?
Judging from the movies to believe
means to believe in magic, or Santa, or romance,
to be optimistically wishful and naïve.
In many Christian circles to believe means
to think, as in believing certain doctrines are true.
But the word “believe” comes from old English,
rooted in German, belieben—to love.
In scripture to believe means to give your heart:
to lovingly entrust yourself, not to an idea but to a person.

Blessed is she who trusts God, and the power of love.
Blessed is she who trusts
that God’s promise will be fulfilled in her.
Blessed is she who trusts
that her love is more powerful than empires.
Blessed is she who entrusts herself
to the One who births her,
and who is in her, and whom she births.
Blessed is she who trusts her worthiness,
that her calling is sure and her gift is needed
and her voice carries weight.
Blessed is she who gives herself over
to the divine work of bearing love into the world.

Blessed are you,
and blessed is the fruit of the womb of your heart.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

December 17, 2021

Categorized as Reflections


           God, you have shown strength with your arm;
           you have scattered the proud
           in the thoughts of their hearts.
           You have brought down the powerful from their thrones,
           and lifted up the lowly.
                           ——Luke 1.51-52

Oh, Mary, you know perfectly well
how revolutionary this is,
how the power structures fight this,
how the world is opposed to God.
And you know in the fight
you will lose much.
Give me courage, Mother of Love,
to stand against the powers,
that they might be brought down,
to use what I have to lift the lowly,
to find my strength not in my powers
but in your love
that brings us all into one circle,
all your Beloved.
Mary, may your vision be my hope
and my courage.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

Epiphany Sunday 2021

January 2021

Lectionary Texts

Epiphany means “revealing.” The magi represent people of other nations and religions—in other words, the world. When they visit Jesus he is revealed to the world. The Epiphany season begins with the light of the star and ends with the Transfiguration: Jesus on the mountain shining with light.

In Isaiah 60.1-6 God promises that the chosen people will be rescued from exile, that they will be honored and given gifts, and that the light of God will shine in them so that they are a light to other people as well.

Psalm 72 is a prayer for a newly enthroned king, that he will rule with justice—that is, compassion for the poor and the oppressed.

In Ephesians 3.1-12 Paul says that the “mystery of Christ” has been revealed to him, to the church, and through us to the whole world.

Matthew 2. 1-12 tells of the visit of Magi to the young Jesus.

Call to Worship

1. from Isaiah 60.1-6
Leader: Arise, shine; for your light has come,
and the glory of God has risen upon you.
All: For darkness shall cover the earth,
and thick darkness the peoples;
but God will arise upon you,
and God’s glory will appear over you.
Nations shall come to our light,
and leaders to the brightness of our dawn.

Then you shall see and be radiant;
your heart shall thrill and rejoice,
Rulers shall bring gold and frankincense,
and shall proclaim the praise of God.

Leader: God of grace, the light of your star shines upon us.
     All: You are the light that guides us.
Beloved Christ, the light of your presence shines among us.
     You are the love we seek.
Holy Spirit, light of your grace shines within us.
     You are the treasure we offer.
We thank you, and we worship you.
     We have to come to honor you and to offer you our gifts,
     that being enlightened by your Word,
     we shall go onward by a new way.

Leader: Star of God, you bless us with your beauty.
All: Light of Christ, you draw us near to God.
Star of wisdom, guide us with your grace.
Light of God, lead us by your love.
We worship you with humble, open hearts.

Leader: God of Mystery, your light has led us to you.
     All: All through our days your Word has shone; your star has lit the way.
You have accompanied us, guided us, and guarded us.
       We have come through miles and years to this place, this moment.
We have come to praise you, to honor you, to worship you.
     We thank you for your grace. We wonder at your presence.
And we are still learning to seek your presence and to follow your light.
     We are still asking, “Where is the child?”
     Help us to search, and help us to find.
God, we praise you for the One who shepherds your people.
     Alleluia! We worship you with thanksgiving and praise.

Leader: God of Creation, your light shines in the stars.
     All: May your light lead us to life.
Your light shines in the heart of those who wander in search of you.
     May your light lead us to wonder.
Your light shines in the Christ child, revealed as the light of the world.
     May your light lead us to love.
Holy Spirit, light of God, shine in us, that we may be light for the world.
     Alleluia! Come, Spirit of Life, and transform us by your grace. Alleluia!

Leader: Christmas star, shining in the darkness, you led magi to the Christ child.
Light of Christ, chase away all darkness, illumine our path,
and lead us to the heart of God.
Morning sun, rising on a new year, you grant us new life.
Light of God, forgive our sin and set us free from all that has bound us;
grant that we may begin anew in this new year with grace and blessing.
Spirit of life, gleaming in our eyes, you make us your beautiful children.
Holy Spirit, transform us by your grace,
that we may shine with the light of your love,
     for the sake of the blessing of all Creation. Amen.

Collect / Prayer of the Day

God of light, your glory shines throughout the world; help us to see it, and in it to seek you. The star of your guidance leads us; help us to discern wisely and to follow. The gifts you give us gleam in our hands and our hearts; grant us courage and generosity to give them. God of light, shine for us and in us. Speak your Word, and we will listen, and follow. Amen.

God of love, as the star led the magi to the Christ child, so lead us by your Word to the light of your love. Show us your way; lead us in the path of peace and mercy. Fill us with the light of your Word, that we may be light for those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death. Amen.

Light of God, your loveliness beckons us and we journey toward you. The way is long and hard, but the beauty of your light draws us on. Bring us always closer to Christ. Shine upon us, reveal your truth to us, and lead us in the ways of goodness and peace. Amen.

God of Mystery, God of Revealing: as the magi searched diligently for the Christ child, may we also continually seek your presence. As the light of the star led the magi, we pray that the light of love will lead us always. May the light of your Word shine upon us now and lead us nearer to you. Amen.


O God, in the magi’s visit to the Christ child you revealed yourself to the nations. We come to honor you and to give our gifts. Speak to us and reveal yourself to us, that we may go from this place by a new way. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Trusting in God’s tender mercy, we confess our sin to God with one another.
God, we wish to see ourselves clearly with the eyes of love.
We recall those times we have followed the light of your grace and moved closer to you, and we give thanks.
[Silent reflection…]
We recall those times when we have followed false stars of ego, fear, or attachments, and have wandered away from you; and we ask your forgiveness.
[Silent reflection…]
In Christ we trust your grace.
Forgive us, heal us, and renew your Spirit in us,
that we may faithfully follow the light of your love.
Dearly Beloved, know that all your sins are forgiven entirely;
and we are set free to live by the Spirit each moment
in the light and grace of God. Alleluia.

Response / Creed / Affirmation

      We trust in God, Creator of all that is, whose light guides us and whose grace extends to all people of the world.
      We follow Jesus, the Christ of God, Light of the world, who is the ruler of our hearts, before whom we bow in adoration and reverence, to whom we offer the gifts of our hands and hearts. Jesus loved people and healed them, and taught the way of true wisdom. Though many would make him king, he was not a ruler of a nation but the Prince of Peace. Earthly kings were threatened by him, and crucified him, but he was raised from the dead, sovereign even over life itself.
     We live by the Holy Spirit, whose light is a star that guides us, whose grace gives us gifts to offer the world, whose companionship makes us one with peoples of all nations, tribes and traditions. In the power of that Spirit we devote ourselves to love and justice, for the sake of Christ, the sovereign of our hearts.

God of love, we offer you our gold:
all that we value, all we posses or cling to:
may it be yours, and for your purposes only.
We offer you our frankincense:
our prayers now and in every moment of our lives,
that we may live in grateful trust,
in reverent joy, and in faithful love.
We offer you our myrrh:
knowing we are mortal, we give you these short lives
to spend as you would have us spend them.
We offer to you our dying,
that our living may be holy and beautiful.
These things we offer in the light of your grace
and the delight of your loving Christ. Amen.

Listening Prayer

(suitable as a Collect, preparation for hearing scriptures, or invitation to prayer)

On bended knee we come,
humbly offering the gift
of ourselves.
In the light of your grace
we see the treasure of the gifts within,
and we who give
are those who receive.

Eucharistic Prayer

(Musical invitations to communion for Epiphany are included in Advent Table Songs on the music page. See also Advent Eucharistic Responses for musical Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation and Amen appropriate for this day.)

The main body of the prayer may be read either responsively by pastor and congregation or just by the presider(s).

Beloved, God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Faithful One, our God.
It is good to give God thanks and praise.
Loving God, Creator of all, we give you thanks.
The light of your love is the star by which we find our way.
All people are the work of your hands and the love of your heart.
You call us your children, set us free from what imprisons us,
and make us one in your grace.

And so we offer you gifts, together with people of every race and nation,
kneeling in reverence, and singing your praise with one voice:

Blessed are all who come in your name, and blessed in Jesus, your Christ,
who shone with your light, who taught and healed and blessed us.
Jesus, Prince of Peace, proclaimed an Empire of Grace
not subject to the powers or rulers of this world,
and included in its sovereignty all people of every tribe and tradition.

In this meal we are one with Christ, and one with all peoples.
      [Blessing and Covenant]*

Therefore, remembering Christ’s gifts for us
we kneel and open the treasure chests of our hearts,
offering ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice,
proclaiming the mystery at the heart of our faith:
      [Memorial Acclamation]

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on us,
that we may be for the world the Body of Christ,
one in your love, and one in love for the world.

By your grace may our every step be a journey toward you;
may we in every moment kneel in reverence;
may we continually offer the gifts your Spirit bestows,
for the sake of love and justice, and for the sake of your delight.



Beloved, God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good to give God thanks and praise.

God of light, you blessed the darkness with Creation.
You fashioned us in the light of your love.
In the night of our bondage
you broke the power of oppression and set us free,
leading your children by a pillar of light.

You call us always to follow your light,
even the faintest star of love and justice and mercy.
Therefore with those who come from afar to honor you,
and with all Creation, we sing your praise.
Blessed are all who come in your name,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ, light of the world.
He loved and healed, and showed to many your light shining in them.
He showed us the light of love
and taught us to forsake all that glitters and follow that light alone.
        [The Blessing and Covenant…] *

Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”
As often as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection until he comes again.
Remembering these, your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,
we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving
as a living and holy sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith:
     [Memorial Acclamation]
Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on us,
that we may be for the world the Body of Christ,
the light of love shining in the darkness,
your glory revealed to the nations.



God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift our hearts to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is good to give our thanks and praise.

Blessed are you, O God, Creator of all things,
and ruler of all that is to come.
In the beginning was your Word, which is the light of life,
Through which you have made all things.
You set us free from what entangles us, and forgive us when we go astray.
Though we turn from your light, still you shine upon us and within us,
and lead us to seek your presence, guided by the light of wonder.
Star of love, you shine, even in the darkest night.
Therefore, in company with those who bring you gold,
we honor you with our obedience and our praise:


Blessed are all who come in your name,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ.
Child of Mary, Light of the World and Prince of Peace,
whose love makes all peoples one.
He has brought us the light of hope and healing,
and embodied your Covenant to be with us in love and blessing.
      (… The Blessing and Covenant…)*

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it:
though he was crucified you raised Christ from death;
Therefore in company with those who bring you myrrh
we offer you our life unto death,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith.
     (Memorial Acclamation)

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on us,
that we may be for the world the Body of Christ.
IN company with those who bring you frankincense
we offer you our prayerful lives, that in everything
we may be the light of love shining in the darkness,
your glory revealed to the nations.

* Blessing and Covenant (“Words of Institution”)
I usually do not print the words: I want folks to look at the bread, not the bulletin.)

On the night in which he gave himself for us
Jesus took bread, blessed it,. broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup,
blessed it with thanks and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink of this, all of you. This is my blood,
poured out for you and for many, in a new Covenant,
which is the forgiveness of sin.”
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.

Prayer of Dedication / Sending / after Communion

God of love, you feed us for the journey.
The star of your grace shines on us, and guides our way.
We bear the gifts of your Spirit into this world,
knowing that whoever receives them is the Christ child.
Guide us, guard us, and lead us in the ways of peace,
to bring light to those who dwell in darkness,
in the name and the company of Jesus. Amen.

Suggested Songs

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip, on the Music page)

Blessing Song (Tune : Away in a Manger)

My friends, may the star over Bethlehem’s skies
now give you God’s peace, make you gentle and wise,
and lead you, as though by a light from above:
the light of dear Christ in you, shining with love.

Guiding Star (Tune: Of the Father’s Love Begotten)

Christ we search for you with longing, but we need not travel far.
In the darkness shines a mystery; in the night a radiant star.
For your love appears before us, gleaming right where we are,
evermore and evermore.

So we bring our gifts to honor you, and we come on bended knee,
offering our hearts and living, that to you the glory be.
May your light adorn and guide us, now and in eternity,
evermore and evermore.

Christ, you are the star that guides us; your love is the way we know.
Keep us faithful in our seeking; may we take the path you show.
May the light of your love shine in us, here and everywhere we go,
evermore and evermore. Amen.

Light for the World
        (Original song: a dialogue between soloist and congregation.
        Sing one or two verses per week through the Epiphany season;
        verses reflect lectionary text especially in Year A [2023].)

Love, may we live by your light.
Let us be light for the world.

Magi who followed the light of your star offered their gifts to your glory.
May we shine brightly wherever we are. Our love will tell your story.

You are my servant in whom I delight, a light unto the nations.
Shine for the ones who dwell in the dark, with comfort and justice.

When you belong to God you are light, no longer held in the dark night.
Live what is loving and true, my friends, as children of light.

God said, “Let light shine out of the dark,” and shines with that glory in Jesus.
And when we turn our faces to Christ, God shines in our own heart.

When you belong to God you are light, no longer held in the dark night.
Live what is loving and true, my friends, as children of light.

You are the light, the light of the world. Let God’s light shine in you.
Let your light shine so that others may see, and glorify God.

Jesus, the light of your love shines warm in the dark of our suffering and struggles.
Fill us, we pray, with the light of your grace, that we may shine for others.

Those who do justice are light in the dark, light for the wandering, the poor.
Those who are generous shall not be moved, forever more.

“This is the fast that I choose,” says our God, “to loosen the bonds of injustice.
For then your light shall break forth like the dawn, rising in the darkness.”

Christ, you appeared on the mountain top, shining with radiant glory.
You are God’s Son, the light of the world, and we will tell your story.

Otherwise dark

She sits by the candle
in the otherwise dark,
hands too weak to hold
anything but light,
too old for Mary,
maybe even for Elizabeth,
too old for a lover or a child,
but not too old to dream,
dream of the dark birthing light,
dream of light
piercing the darkness,
making it bleed sweetness,
dream of light seeping into the world,
so the world can finally see itself.
Too old to carry a torch above her head
but not too old to be light, growing,
until she becomes dawn, becomes fire
and offers herself to the world,
trusting strength not visible,
light not hers,
love not merely human,
in ways you can’t yet see
setting the world aflame
by her being
sitting by the candle
in the otherwise dark.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

Mary did you know

          The angel said to her… “He will be great,
          and will be called the Son of the Most High,
          and the Lord God will give to him
          the throne of his ancestor David.
          He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever,
          and of his kingdom there will be no end.”

                           —Luke 1.30-33

While the White guys stand up and sing
“Mary did you know?” I think of the women
of color, mothers unseen, hidden from us,
who dream for their sons a kingdom
of justice and dignity, a realm where they’re safe,
not needing a throne, but a place.
Those Marys know. They know.
They know who their sons are, and their daughters,
their gifts, their calling, their anointing,
and what will be withheld from them.
They know what they dream, and how far off it is.
They know how the White guys will keep on singing,
imaging a far-off Mary, while the real ones right here
keep on knowing, and keep on dreaming,
and keep on singing their own song.
When will the White guys sit down and be silent,
and hear the other song, drawing near,
sounding like lament, sounding like an uprising,
sounding like angels?

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

In our mess

Oh Holy One, you come to us
in our need, in our mess.
To this low, rough manger, you come.
In the cesspool of pandemic and political distress
and racism and climate crisis, you come.
To people who are weary and depressed you come.
To those who are broken, to those who have lost,
to storms and to bullets, you come.
To people who are tired of fighting, weary of insisting,
exhausted from trying, you come.
To those who don’t have the strength
to lift up their heads for the dawn,
but gaze at the floor to gather the strength
to survive these times—you come.

We are amazed and grateful.
For this gift—not that the vision is fulfilled,
but that you come—we give thanks.
That you come to share this struggle,
our sorrow and even sometimes our despair,
to hurt and to hope with us—we rejoice.
Come, Beloved, come! 

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections


           Bear fruit worthy of repentance.
                           —Luke 3.8

You have been acting selfish and greedy,
taking for yourself what you could have shared,
defending yourself and the balanced pillars of your ego
from those who would think ill of you,
as if it mattered.

You acted fearfully as if you are all alone,
protecting and providing for yourself.
You have been acting as if
you are not the divine one’s beloved,
as if you are not held in strong, wise, tender arms.
Such fear is the root of all evil.

This, then is your repentance:
stop pushing away love.
Stop declining the grace that is yours.

Allowing the light of that sun to come in,
the fruits of that love will grow in you.
Trust that.
Start here: stop pushing away the love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

Wish list

           The Beloved is near.
           Do not worry about anything,
                      but in everything by prayer and supplication
                      with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
           And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
                      will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

                           —Philippians 4.5-7

Skip your Christmas wish list,
that gorgeous sweater, the latest device.
Go on. What do you most want?
What do you want more than that?
If you got it, would you be satisfied—
or is there something even deeper?

Now dwell on that.
Stay with it.
This is your true Christmas wish,
your deepest longing.
Let it be earnest prayer.
Carry it around with you.

Imagine your deepest desire
is wrapped up in God’s
and let that give you deep, deep peace.
Don’t try to understand it: it’s beyond that.
Just let it be.

God is holding this.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Lift up your heads

In the darkness a faint light rises.
     Something in the universe awakens.

A longing stirs among the people of the earth.
     A song in our hearts begins to form.

New life begins to grow, an embryo of hope.
     A womb in us makes room.

Amid the pain, the politics and pestilence,
     a homing.

The Beloved is moving in this world.
     Now would be a good time.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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