Let your heart break

                When you hear of wars and rumors of wars,
                do not be alarmed….
               The gospel must first be preached to all nations.

                                                  —Mark 13.7,10

Let your heart break for this world.
Do not be afraid to stay there at the wound of the world,
weeping with those who weep.
There is infinite strength and blessing there.
But bear your sorrow gently;
it is held by the One who weeps for us.
Into hearts broken open the light of love shines
Look clearly on the world’s injustice,
but look with eyes of mercy.
Take courage. Do not despair at the oppressors,
who are captive to the spirit of pride and violence.
Bear your outrage lightly; do not cling to it.
Let it lead you toward compassion, not anger.
Let every breath be an offering.
We have been sent to make gentle this wounded world,
to dwell as healers among fearful souls,
to shine light in this darkness.
Don’t despair that you are unable.
It is not you who does this work: it is God in you.
When you touch the world’s pain God enters you.
Let your tears be healing rains that bring life.
You breathe gentleness into the air that all others breathe,
in the earth we all share you sow peace.

The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness cannot overcome it.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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